Employment and Community Service

Vocational Services

HVO offers pre-employment vocational training to adults 16 years of age or older with a diagnosed physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability, or socio-economic disadvantage. 

All training in this program is conducted in our manufacturing enterprise and is designed to strengthen each individual’s abilities.  An assessment at the beginning of the program will show the person’s strengths, aptitudes and best matches for employment.  Our staff also works as a team with each individual in setting goals to help overcome barriers to finding and keeping employment. 

For almost 45 years, HVO has been a strong resource in the community for employers looking for good employees.  It is because of this relationship, we are often one of the first contacts an employer makes when they have an opening (see our Potential Employer page).  

Community Employment & Supported Employment Programs

As a continuation of our vocational services, pre-employment assessments and training are provided to enable each individual the opportunity to develop good work behaviors, to assist in finding and keeping a job in the community. Training on the job is offered to enable the individual to learn and master the duties required for the job. This service is provided free of charge to employers.

Although similar to the Community Employment Program, the Supported Employment Program is designed to support individuals with more significant disabilities. Training on the job is generally for a longer period of time and follow-up services with the employee and employer are provided at least twice per month for as long as the individual wants or needs this service.

Community Activity & Employment Transition

The various areas of service will provide individuals employment, vocational training, community inclusion, and/or other meaningful activities based on their needs and preferences.

Another option for individuals who qualify for vocational services is assistance in searching for, obtaining, training and retaining a job in the community.  Prior to searching for employment, an assessment can be done to help the individual identify their strengths so the best match in a job can be pursued.    Once employment is obtained, on-the-job training is provided so job duties can be learned and mastered.  Follow-up visits and contact is maintained for 90 days after on-the-job training is completed to help the individual remain secure in their job.  The on-the-job training is free of charge to the employer.

Although similar to the Community Employment Program, the Supported Employment Program is designed for individuals with more significant disabilities.  On-the-job training is generally for a longer period of time and follow-up visits and contact with the employee and employer is given twice a month for as long as the individual wants or needs this service.  The on-the-job training and follow-up contact is free of charge to the employer. 

 Please see the Potential Employers page


HVO Work – Website Programs Description Update - 2016

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